Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Word of the Week!!!

Heres our next Word of the Week!:

Porphyrophobia: Pronounciation: Pore-fair-oh-fo-bee-uh Meaning: Noun, Fear of the color purple, as well as a fear of purple objects and people.


Haha! Thats pretty funny, I didn't even know that there was such phobia as being afraid of the colour Purple!!! Porphyrophobia, pretty hard to say to!

Soon, I'll have another funny word! You can even suggest some words bellow, just write a comment. Please subscribe to get notified when I put up new posts! :D

-Just Grace

1 comment:

  1. Hi, here you can suggest the next 'Word of the Week' OR you can just comment on the blog or on the post. Have fun Commentng!!!!

    -Just Grace
