Saturday, 29 December 2012

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Everyone!!!

 I hope everyone has a very safe, great and Happy New Year. All the best for the New Year!
BRING IT ON 2013!!!!

-Just Grace :)

P.S. I'm going to be on "Holidays" from blogging from now, just until January 3. So, Happy New Year, Everyone!!!!!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Review: Just Dance 4

Hello, and I'm going to do something new. I'm going to write a Review! I'm going to do the Review on the new game for Wii, PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360 called Just Dance 4 that I just got. I only have Wii, so I'm doing it about the Wii Just Dance 4.

Just Dance 4 is a game for very enthusiastic dances. It allows you to Dance to 44 different tracks, no swearing, from different artists, but their is also I store that I am yet to have a look at. During play, up to four players can play, there is a faceless man right in the middle for you to copy, but in the lower right hand corner of the sreen there are also instructions of what to dance. I really like the backgrounds that go with the song, and the choreography and the clothes on the man/woman you're copying off suit the song really well.

Profiles are really easy to make, just select a face (which you can change later when you unlock more when levelling up), your age, and then just put in your name! Easy-peasy lemon-squeasy! The only bad thing about the profile's are: You make one and you level up and dance and all that. I then make one for my little brother, so we don't have to share. But, we technically do! Because after each song, his score goes into my profile! I mean, there meant to be separate! Well, thats the only bad thing in my books!

Levelling-up: After getting scores, they add up, and when you get enough, you level up. It's pretty easy: Score big in different songs = level up! When you level up, you get a surprise prize! You can get faces, mash-ups of dances in one song, or dance-off's between two songs for example! I haven't gotten a face yet!!!!

The differences between Just Dance 3 and Just Dance 4 are that Just Dance 4 just has way more features It has faces, more realistic dances, easier to understand difficult rating, different songs, (although, Just Dance 3 has more dance tracks than Just Dance 4! 49 songs to 44!) and much more!

I really enjoy playing Just Dance 4, I really recommend it to beginner dancers, and proffesionals. I mean, I never danced properly, but I'm pretty good at some of the songs. My favourites are: 'Livin' la Vida Loca' by Ricky Martin and 'We no speak Americano' by Yolanda Be Cool. My Hi-score for 'Livin' la Vida Loca' is 11059 points, and for my other favourite 'We no speak Americano,' my Hi-Score is 7758!

I hope you liked my review, more reviews soon! Have fun playing any Just Dance game if you have one! I highly recommend this game for anyone!

-Just Grace

Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas all my readers.

I hope you have an AWESOME Christmas and get lot's of cool presents. Have a great day with your family. And remember, its better to give then to recieve!

-Just Grace

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Christmas Time!

As everyone probably knows, Christmas is TOMORROW!!!!

Since it is, here is an animation of the Story of Jesus. It tells us why we know put stars at the top of our Christmas Tree's. (Or Angels) It also tells us why we give Gifts. Here's the link to the Animation:

Here is the Story of the Christmas Tree, sorry, its not an animation!:

And finally, I know everyone loves recieving presents at Christmas time (I know I do!) So here's how Gift Giving all started:

And, here's a cool website that tells you all about how othe stuff started, like Stockings. Here is is:

-Just Grace


*Knock Knock:*

"Who's There?"


"Scot Who?"

"Scot No Friends..."


I hope you found it funny to.

-Just Grace

Cool Tricks!

Here is a Cool Trick to really AMAZE everyone for Christmas! I call them the: 'Lemon Trick,' the 'Coffee Trick,' the 'Tea Trick,' The 'Rubarb Root Trick,' the 'Apple Cider' and the 'Flower Trick.' Here's some more info about it.

So, your at school one day and you find out some of your friends have unnatural highlights and unnaturally brighter hair. You start to get jealous, and begin to think, 'After School, I'll ask Mum if I could get it'

You go up to the girl with highlights and lighter hair and ask them stuff about it like how much it costs and stuff like that, and that's when you realize your parents are NEVER going to let you get them.

1. It's WAY too much
2. It's unnatural, and you know that that'll ruin your hair FORVER
3. Your Mum will then give a big speech about why you shouldn't get them because your growing up too fast and stuff like that.

BUT I HAVE A SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!My soloution will only cost you a little bit, it won't ruin your hair, and it won't make you grow up that fast because it eventually goes away!

What you'll need:

Spray Bottle
Chamomile, Cherry or Blackberry Tea
1  cup of Water
1 cup of apple cider vinegare
A handful of dried Marigold Flowers
Rubarb Roots

For Blonde Hair: Squeeze the lemons juice into your hair and comb it through sit out in the sun. This works, but it dries out your hair.
You can also steam 5 Chamomile in boiling water. When the tea is colled completely, pour into spray bottle and spray into hair. Comb it through and sit in the sun for 30 minutes.

For Red hair: Do the sam but with Cherry or Black berry Tea to bring out natural highlights.

For Dark Brown Hair: Make some extra strong coffee, wait for it to become comepletely cool, and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray it into your hair and sit out in the sun for about half and hour.

For ANY shade of Hair: Pour 1 cup of water, I cup of apple cider Vinegare and a handfull of dried marigold flowers in a pot and bring it to a boil. Strain out the flowers. Next, wait for the liquid to cool, then put in a Spray Bottle and spray onto dry hair. Massage into your scalp.

You can also boil some rubarb root and let it cool completely before spraying onto hair. Test it just in case by spraying it onto some hair people can't really see.
For More Info:
The next day at School, you go up to the same girl who gave you all the information about getting highlights and stuff. She says:
"Wow, nice hair. You got Unnatural Highlights as well!"
"Actually, I used a natural trick."
"Whats the trick?"
You go and tell her, and you have absoloutly BRILLIANT hair!

I hope you can try the tricks, I know I will!!!!

-Just Grace

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Goal Reached!!!

100 PAGEVIEWS!!! We've done it!
Thanks to everyone who reads my Blog, and we actually reached 101! So thanks to everyone! My next goal is 250! (Then 500, then 1,000.) Thanks, and I'll post more stuff very soon! :D

-Just Grace

Nearly 100 Pageviews!

Hi, and have I got an anouncement to make! We have nearly reached 100 PAGEVIEWS! In just about one week, we've nearly reached triple digits! All we need is another 6 MORE PAGEVIEWS to reach 100!

It's a pretty big achievment for a blog that just started, so thanks to everyone who reads my blog!

Now, tell you're friends so we can reach 100, and you'll be notified as soon as I find out we've reached 100!
P.S. According to my private stats, we actually have a number of different countries reading my blog! The Top 5 are, in order from highest views to lowest:

United States (5p)
Germany (3p)
South Korea (1p)
Malaysia (1p)

-Just Grace

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Whats On?: Festive Flicks: Home Alone, Home Alone 2 and a Muppet Christmas

Come down to Northbridge Piazza & Super Screen at Corner James and Lake Streets, Northbridge to come and watch 'Home Alone,' 'Home Alone 2,' and 'A Muppet Christmas!' It looks like heaps of fun for the whole family, and the best bit is it's free! So come on down to watch some great movies with your family. To learn more, visit these websites:

A Muppet Christmas:

Home Alone:

Home Alone 2:

And for Adults, come down for free to come and watch 'Die Hard'

Die Hard:

__________________________________________________________________________________So come on down to the Northbridge Piazza and Super Screen to come and watch these great movies!

-Just Grace

What is?: Babushka

Today, I' going to be telling you the story of Babushka, then a bit of History behind Babushka. Babushka is like Santa to the Russians; Babushka is what they believe in at Christmas Time. I'd also like to note that their are different versions of the Legend of Babushka, but I just shose this one.
The Legend of Babushka

As Retold by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller

There is a tale that has been told throughout the years about an old Russian woman named Babushka. Old people nod their heads in agreement as they hear parents tell their children about Babushka. Childrenï's eyes scan the face of every old woman they pass during the winter months, trying to find this legendary person who visits the home of every child at Christmas time.

Her story started many years ago in a small home out in the country. She lived alone in a small hut that stood along side a crossroads where four roads met. Even though she lived far away from neighbors and far away from                                                  Babushka Dolls:
any town, during the summer months Babushka was entertained by wagons filled with hay pulled by donkeys carts loaded with vegetables pushed by farmers, riders on horseback and strangers passing by on foot. But, during the long Russian winter, only the sound of the birds she fed with the blackened crusts of wheatbread left over from her meals kept her company.

Her days were short, and her nights were long during the winter months. Babushka was frail and unable to cut large amounts of wood to heat her home. In addition, she was poor and could not afford to light up the cottage at night with expensive candles. This is why she spent much of her time in the evenings curled up beneath her warm quilts dreaming about spring flowers and warm sunny skies.

It was on one of those long nights when Babushka thought she heard the tinkling of bells and sounds like those made by travelers being carried on the cold wind. At first, she told herself that she only heard icicles clinking on frozen branches. But, the sounds grew louder. She did hear the sound of bells, but it was not the familiar sound of the bells on a troika, the traditional Russian three-horse sleigh. Nor, did she hear the neighing of horses or the braying of donkeys like most travelers would use. There were voices that grew louder as they came closer to her home, and she heard strange grunts from animals that were unfamiliar to her ears.

She pulled back the quilts and lit one of her precious candles and pulled her robe around her. She folded a scarf and wrapped it around her head and then held her candle to the window. As she scraped the frost off to see better, she was startled to hear a knock at her door. Opening the door, she was even more surprised to see a caravan stopped outside of her hut. Babushka saw three tall hairy beasts with long faces. Each had long, tall legs with padded feet at the bottom and a hump on its back. Sitting on the back of each animal sat a richly dressed man.

The men were dressed in warm, expensive looking fur wraps and wore crowns set with jewels over cloths that kept the cold off their heads. The bells she heard were attached to the reigns the men held tightly in their hands. Each of the men had a number of servants with them, and one of these men was standing at her door trying to ask directions to a place she had never heard of before.

Seeing Babushka's confusion, one of the wealthy men spoke a command to the beast he rode. It knelt and allowed him to step off. "We are Kings on a long journey from a land far to the east, the man told the confused old woman. We have seen a wondrous star in the sky and have been following it. It is supposed to lead us to a town where a newborn baby lies. But, the star is blocked by clouds. Can you tell us the way to the next village where we can find shelter for the night?"

"Who is this child? And why are you trying to find him?" asked Babushka.

"The child is a King, and we go to find him and worship him, and we bring him gifts. Come with us Babushka," the man suggested. "You will never have this opportunity again."

But, Babushka looked at the dark sky. She felt the cold of the winter wind. Then, she shook her head and said, "Perhaps tomorrow in the light of the day, when the air is warmer."
But the Kings could not wait for the old woman to make up her mind and left Babushka alone in her home listening to the sound of the clattering bells as the animals the King called camels rode into the night.

By morning, the tracks of the caravan were filled with snow making Babushka wonder if her memory of the night visitors was real or only a dream. Still, she kept thinking about their quest to find the special child. She had no children of her own, no one to love and no one to love her. The more she thought of the invitation to go with the Kings, the sadder the old woman became.

Finally, the old woman could stand the sadness no more. She wrapped her warmest scarf about her head and pulled her cloak and a shawl about her shoulders. She filled a basket with breads and sweets and gifts for the child and left her empty home behind forever. She walked through village after village asking people about the special child who was a King. She told them about the visit by the Three Wise Kings and the star they followed.

She carried treats and small gifts with her, so children would not run away when she tried to look closely at them and see if they were the special child she sought.

The years have passed, and old Babushka probably doesn't even realize that the baby grew up long ago. She still runs fast along the crowded streets and over the country fields tired and out of breath trying to catch up with the Three Wise Kings and find the special child. She only stops at Christmas Eve as she searches through every nursery looking for the child that is Christ the Lord.

She has a special fondness for babies. She bends over their cradles, looks closely at each child before dropping a tear on their pillow when she sees the Christ Child is not there. She gives each child she finds a small present and a piece of candy from her basket or apron pocket before hobbling away to continue searching for the Christ Child.

A family member

Due to the ongoing housing shortage but also as a tribute to tradition, quite often in Russia several generations live together in the same house and babushkas play a very significant role in such extended families.
There is a conventional assumption that all babushkas, regardless of age, social position and ideology, are perfect at cooking, enjoy taking care of their grandchildren and have a dacha where they spend the whole summer growing vegetables, making kompots and preparing tasty jams to be eaten on long winter evenings. However stereotypical the assumption, it still proves true more often than not.
Another distinction of all babushkas is a certain emotionalism and a permanent desire to stuff their relatives in general and grandchildren in particular to the bursting point. Whenever a babushka sees her grandson or granddaughter after a short separation she is usually horrified at how her loved one has thinned down and become pale and is all too eager to wine and dine the poor child and make it better.
When a new baby appears in the family, the newly-minted granny immediately shows her willingness to take care of the baby for one clear reason: “she knows best.” It is no good trying to argue with her, it is just one of those things babushkas always do in Russia!

An aged person
The word babushka also denotes any elderly woman, taking no notice of family connections. Babushkas in Russia seem to represent a totally independent part of society - they know everything and are good at giving a piece of advice whether you’ve asked for it or not.
It is considered to be a display of good breeding to assist the elderly in the street. To carry a heavy bag, for example, for her, or give them your seat on public transporters like busses. Children are taught from a very early age to respect babushkas and do their best to help them. Still, Russian babushkas have never lacked self-confidence and are ready to remind you of the rules if you fail to toe the line yourself.
Babushkas in proverbs
Babushkas play such an important role in Russian society that it is not surprising at all that they are mentioned in a number of proverbs, sayings and other examples of oral folk arts.
One example is the proverb, “There you have it, Granny, the Yury's Day,” referring to a promise that is not kept. The “Yury’s Day” is the Russian name for each of the two feasts of Saint George celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on 6 May and 9 December. The Law Code of 1497 established a two-week period around Yury's Day (a week before the feast and a week after) as the only times of the year when Russian serfs were free to move from one landowner to another. Sometimes, and unfortunately quite often, they were denied this right even on these dates, giving rise to the proverb.
Another well-known proverb in Russia goes like this: “Even your grandma wouldn't know whether it'll rain or snow,” meaning that an outcome or a result is uncertain or unpredictable.
Still another example is as follows: “The one to whom the granny tells fortunes, lives a happy life.” It is advisable to use the proverb when talking about a lucky person.
There are more proverbs and sayings that refer to babushkas, but these are the most famous and frequently used, illustrating the irreplaceability of babushkas in the Russian language and culture as well as in the lives of Russian citizens, whether consciously or subconsciously.

I hope you enjoyed that! Soon, we'll have another Christmas Story to tell! You can recommend some bellow as a comment!

-Just Grace

Word of the Week!!!

Heres our next Word of the Week!:

Porphyrophobia: Pronounciation: Pore-fair-oh-fo-bee-uh Meaning: Noun, Fear of the color purple, as well as a fear of purple objects and people.


Haha! Thats pretty funny, I didn't even know that there was such phobia as being afraid of the colour Purple!!! Porphyrophobia, pretty hard to say to!

Soon, I'll have another funny word! You can even suggest some words bellow, just write a comment. Please subscribe to get notified when I put up new posts! :D

-Just Grace

Sunday, 16 December 2012

What are?: Candy-Canes

I'd like to Introduce this new segment to the Blog. It's Called 'What is?:' OR 'What are?:' I hope you enjoy this, and there will be a new one every week.

Everyone knows that Christmas is coming in about 9 Days, so, up until the end of December only, I'll be doing Christmas ones!

Todays is about the History of the Candy-Cane, Enjoy!


The Beginning of the Candy-Cane

The origin of the candy cane goes back over 350 years, when candy-makers both professional and amateur were making hard sugar sticks. The original candy was straight and completely white in color.
In the seventeenth Century, the european-christians had started putting up Christmas Tree's as a new tradition. They started putting cookies and sugar-stick candy, for an example, on the Tree's for decorations. The first historical reference to when Candy-canes got their cane shape was in 1670. The choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, bent the sugar-sticks into canes to represent a shepherd's staff. They remained white, and were given out to the children in the long-winded nativity services.

The Start of the Stripes

The clergymen's custom of handing out Candy-canes during Christmas services spread throughout Europe and later to America. The canes remained white, but the Candy-Makers would sometimes add a sugar rose for more decoration. The first historical reference to there being Candy Canes in America goes back to 1847 when a German immagrant named Agust Imgard decorated his Christmas Tree in Wooster, in Ohia, with Candy-Canes.

After about 50 years, the first red-and-white striped Candy-canes appeared. No one knows who exactly invented the red and white stripes, but Christmas cards prior to the year 1900 showed only all-white Candy-canes. Christmas cards after 1900 showed illustrations of striped Candy-canes, which probably looked much better. Around the same time, candy-makers added peppermint and wintergreen flavours to their candy canes and those flavours then became the traditional favourites.

Other Candy-cane beliefs
(Photo of your average Candy-cane. Which one do you like better? White and straight? Or colourful and caned?)

There are many other legends and beliefs surrounding the tasty Candy-cane. Many of them depict the Candy-cane as a secret symbol for Christianity used during the times when Christians were living under more hard circumstances. It was said that the Candy-cane is shaped like a ‘J’ for the ‘J’ in Jesus. (It only looks like a cane though when you turn the ‘J’ around.) The red and white stripes represented Christ's blood and purity. The three red stripes symbolized the Holy Trinity. The hardness of the candy represented the Church's foundation on solid rock and the peppermint flavour shows the use of hyssop, an herb referred to in the Old Testament, or Bible as it’s more known to be called now. There is no historical evidence to support these claims, on the contrary, they're lovely thoughts.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Whats on?: IGA Carols By Candlelight 2012

The IGA Carols by Candlelight 2012 is taking place in Perth on the 23rd of December. It's a great event for the whole family, helping you get into the Spirit of Christmas! All the proceeding go to Charity, so bring a Picnic and even a Blanket down to sing along to your favourite Christmas Carols. This annual Christmas variety concert which will take place under the stars! To learn more about this excellent event, follow this Link:

I hope you go! Bye!

-Just Grace

Word of the Week!

Anadromous: Pronunciation: a·nad·ro·mous
Meaning: adj. Migrating up rivers from the sea to breed in fresh water. Used of fish.


It's a funny word, interesting though! Next Week, we'll have a new word, or, maybe as a surprise, I'll do one during the week!!! :D I love doing 'Word of the Week,' It's my first one.

-Just Grace

Whats on?: Christmas Pagent!

Hi, as some of you readers might know, tonight at 7:30pm is the CHRISTMAS PAGENT! It's free entry for all families. Theres too much to tell, so please just check out this link:

I think I could be going, but please, I'd love to see one of you readers down there if I do go! So head on down there at 7:30pm tonight to get good seats and have a great time with your family! See you soon!

-Just Grace

Friday, 14 December 2012


Hi, my new readers.
This is the first blog I've ever done and I'm very happy! This is going to be great, I hope... In this blog, it is for kids ONLY! No adults allowed. This website, in my opinion, is for kids aged 7-15, and it's made by me, a kid of 11, in the middle of the two ages.
Anyway, I'll have very regular posts and lots of cool stuff on other blogs all leading to this one very soon. Some of the things that will be on this blog are:

1.Word of the Week
2. Stuff to do over the holidays
3. What's on in Perth
4. Other cool stuff like music, jokes, TV shows, and cool websites

And Heaps of other cool Stuff!

Cool Competitions!

 So, my new readers, I will write to you very soon. See you soon, and I'll soon write some more posts! Bye!

-Just Grace