Friday, 22 February 2013

West Australian Young Writers Award 2013

Hello, Readers

There is an upcoming competition for Young Writers called the West Australian Young Writers Award. You can enter a story, or a poem. Both of them have to be a 1500 words maximum. It's for boys and girls Kindy-Year 12, with these years competing against eachother: Kindy-Year 2, Years 3-4, Years 5-6, Years 7-8, Years 9-10, Years 11-12 and the stroy can be any genre.

Here is the website if you're thinking about entering this competition.

Here's the entry coupon, or you could just get it from the Ed! section of a newspaper.

Good Luck to everyone who decides to enter!

-Just Grace

Monday, 18 February 2013

The Blog is EVOLVING!!!!

Hello, all Readers

I have an announcement to make, and no, it's not about us reaching 1000 Pageviews, it's something BETTER! No, it's not 2000 Pageviews, BETTER!!! NO! It's not 3000 Pageviews, enough with the Pageviews!

Anyway, even no the moment has been spoilt, by myself I have to admit, I'll continue with the announcement!

THE BLOG IS EXPANDING TO THE POPULAR APP, INSTAGRAM, by the people who created Facebook, for assorted Phones, iPads and iPods in the App Store for Free. The account username will be:

I'm not yet entirely sure WHAT exactly I'll put up there, but It'll be related to the blog SOMEHOW!
I really want to see WHO in the reading-blog world, is also in the follow-just-grace-on-instagram world. Haha!

Anyway, Please Follow Me, 'Just Grace' on Instagram!

P.S. I promise not to go on anyone who follows me accounts unless I know them, or it's ok with yourself.

-Just Grace

Friday, 15 February 2013


It's that time of year again when hearts are a flutter, that time of year your crush signs your valentine with: 'I love you! -From your Secret Admirer' which means he's confessed his LOVE for you, that time of year when you don't get a Valentine but you get to steal the ones your parents got for eachother, that time of year when cupid is shooting arrows, that time of year.... Ok, I think we get the picture! It's all lovey-dovey!

Hearts are a Flutter!
Anyway, Valentine's Day to most younger children aged 7-13 is still just any old day. Am I right? But for those 14 and up, it can be a big deal to get a Valentine! It comes in a Love-heart card with

'To ____

Roses are red
Violets are blue
But one thing's for sure

-From your Secret Admirer'

With a Red rose, and best of all, CHOCOLATES!

But enough with that! How did you spend your Valentine's Day? Did you get something from a 'Secret Admirer?' Did you get nothing? Did you send something to someone? My Dad got me a rose when he was getting my Mum one, so that was nice! Please comment bellow what happened with YOU!!!


-Just Grace <3

Friday, 8 February 2013

How to make an Ancient Scroll

Making an Ancient Scroll for fun, or for class? Either way, I'll tell you how!

What you'll need:

2x Toilet Role Tubes
1x Used Tea-Bag
1x Piece of Paper
1. Draw what you want on the Paper.

2. When your finished, get the used Tea-Bag and rub the Tea-Bag on the Paper. It should get a little bit browner.

3. Scrunch your paper, then spread it out and wait to dry.

4. It should look ancient or old.

5. Attach the Tubes to both ends of the paper. You should be able to role your page up around the tubes, so it looks like a Scroll!

6: Congratulations, you've made a Scroll!!!

I hope your Scroll looks GREAT!!! :D

-Just Grace

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Back to School!!!

So, it's time to go back to school! Are you happy or sad about it? I'd love to know! Anyway, I hope everyone has a great time at School! See you soon!!! -Just Grace

Friday, 1 February 2013

GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations, everyone! We've reached 700 Pageviews! Well, actually, 720, but WELL DONE AND THANK-YOU!!!!! Our next goal, 1000!

Bye! And well done!

-Just Grace

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Word of the Week: Hobbledehoy

Hobbledehoys: Pronounciation: Hob-ble-de-hoys

A gawky adolescent boy.

Haha! Funny!
If you have any idea's for a Word of the Week, then please comment it bellow! :D

-Just Grace

Nearly 700 PAGEVIEWS!!!!!!

WOW!!!! We've all nearly reached 700 Pageviews!!! We're right now on 695!!! Thanks, everyone, and I'll be sure to say when we reach 700!!! :D

-Just Grace

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Make your own Sun-Glasses!

The way to make these, (which is my way), is very simple with only needing a few household items. We're not making the Sun-Glasses to keep out the sun, we're making the ones that looks like the one in the picture.

Ok, this is what you'll need:

2x Pieces of A-3 sized paper
4x Skewers
Coloured Pencils
Lead Pencil and
Sticky Tape
(I also needed something to copy off, like an image off my Laptop)

Here's what you need to do to make this, and it took me about 1 hour, but I wasn't following instructions, it was all still in my mind.

1. Pick something round to draw. Like someone’s head or the head of like a lion or something. You can also do stuff like Flags, but some of it will be cut off.
2.Fold one of your pieces of paper into thirds/fourths, then fold that in half. Cut at that fold only, so you'll have two piles of paper. Next, you staple in the top right corner, and then in the bottom left corner on both piles so all of the paper is stuck together.
3. Draw on the top of both piles of paper what you've chosen to draw, then cut them out and staple again in three spots.
4. Trace both of the drawings onto the other piece of paper, then enlarge the drawing by 1 centimetre. Cut the enlarged one out, but don't forget to colour the enlarged one in the main colour of your drawing. Retrace the drawing into the enlarged one.
5. Draw some lines on the back of each pile of paper, then cut out each strip and sticky tape the ends so you don't loose any of the inside.
6. Glue each of the strips onto the enlarged one where they'd go on. Use the retraced version which you retraced inside the enlarged one as a guide. It should look like the green sunglasses in the picture, just with uncut bits where the strips had already been cut out.
7. Cut out the uncut bits mentioned in step 6.
8. Get one of the Skewers and measure the width of the bridge of your nose. That measurement, like picture mine was 2.5cm, I'd then measure 2.5cm on the skewer 3 times, marking each 2.5cm with my Lead Pencil. I'd colour each 2.5cm the same colour, which should be the main colour of your drawing, and then cut out each 2.5cm individually. Then, sticky tape all 3 pieces together, and use that to join your two drawings together with more sticky tape.
9. Colour-in two more skewers the main colour of your drawing, or leave the skewer the same colour. Cut out two 2cm bit's of Skewer, coloured in or not, and sticky tape one to the end of one long skewer, and then sticky tape the short bit to one drawing. Do that for the other side and the other two skewers.
10. Wear it!!! You've finished, you've completed your Sun-Glasses! I hope they look like the ones in the picture! I also hope my instructions were understandable...
-Just Grace

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Word of the Week: Hemidemisemiquaver

This 'Word of the Week' is probably one of the funniest words. Infact, it sound like the type of word Roald Dahl would use to describe something. The weirdest thing is, it's a Real word!!!

Hemidemisemiquaver: Noun: Pronounciation: hemi-demi-semi-quaver.
Meaning: A Sixty-Fourth Note
Wow, I didn't even know there was a Sixty-fourth note! Hahaha, funny. This is definitely something I'll be telling my Music Teacher! :)

If you have any idea's for a 'Word of the Week,' then please comment it bellow.

-Just Grace

Review: GoAnimate

Hi, Readers!
I'm going to be doing another review on the free Website: GoAnimate. Ok, lets start!

GoAnimate is a free animation-making website. All you need to do is type in your email, which won't be shown on the site; they only need it to send you stuff, your display name, (which doesn't have to be your real name) and then your password of course! After that, click 'Create Acount', click on the type of video you want to make and start the tutorial. Soon you'll be making top-rated video's!

What I really like about GoAnimate is the easy controls, sound-effects, voice-adding and make-your-own-character features. I don't really know what else to say other then it's a great, easy to use website. What I also like about it is that there's a School Mode so you can ask your teacher to do it at School. There's also a Business Mode.

If you want more with GoAnimate, then you could get GoPlus+ which has far better features, but I have to say that GoAnimate just on it's own is just as good. So, what are you waiting for, click on new-tab and get started!

If you want to view my video's, my display name is: ilovedaisy

-Just Grace

Poll -Results

Nobody commented to express their opinion so there were no results. :(

-Just Grace

What's on: City of Perth Australia Day Skyworks

On Australia Day, in Perth City, there will be Fireworks or Skyworks! The Fireworks will start at 8:00pm and if you want to learn more, then please visit this website:

I hope to see you at the Perth City Skyworks, as thats where I'm going!!! :D

-Just Grace

Sunday, 6 January 2013


I've realised that nobody has commented on my blog except for myself! So, hopefully this poll will get people to comment on what they think. So, here's the poll.

What is your favourite ABC3 show out of these?
1. Total Drama Island/Action/World-tour

2. Iron Man

3. Dance Academy

4. The Avengers

5. Horrible Histories

6. Whats 'ABC3?' ___________________________________________________________________________________

So, please comment on what you think!

-Just Grace

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

What is: OMG

I'm sure everyone has text or messaged this: O.M.G.

But have you ever wondered where, why or when it actually started? Well let me tell you this, it started much, much farther back in time then you could imagine, so it didn't start when some teenagers started texting with phones about boys or girls, like this:

'OMG, he's/she's so cool!'

Here's how it started, who started it, and when it started!

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first person to use "OMG" was a 75-year-old British admiral, which is about as far as a carbon-based life form can get from a teenage valley girl in a shop texting her friends about how cool Justin Bieber is. His name was John Arbuthnot 'Jacky' Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher of Kilverstone, and he coined the term while writing his memoirs ... in 1917. Almost 100 years ago.
The exact phrase was: "I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapia -- O.M.G (Oh! My God!) -- Shower it on the Admiralty!" (his subtle way of hinting that he hoped to be knighted). It's ironic, then, that one of the most popular abbreviations in the world was created by someone who didn't quite grasp the concept of using the acronyms to save time, since he immediately followed the term with the phrase it was supposed to shorten.

-Just Grace